Transforming Talent

Identify your talents

How do you define yourself

The people around us and the environment we live in can put pressure on you to think and act in a certain way. This can be even more uncomfortable when these influences contradict each other. Working with a neutral and external third party can help you sort through where you stand and make decisions that reinforce your sense of self.

What is your definition of excellence?

Each of us have been born with talents to contribute to the world. The challenge is often identifying them and giving them the attention they deserve in order to transform them into excellence.

We help you find focus, identify your talents, and transform them into your definition of excellence.

Identify Your Talents
What can we do for you?

We help people who are confronting personal or professional change but struggle to define a constructive path forward. When they work with Transforming Talent, they gain in clarity and self-confidence and feel comfortable making decisions in line with their values.

The different profiles

Our services

Both On-line and Face-to-Face options are available.


A focused individual discussion.



A structured team discussion.



Interactive group learning.

Melanie Kreusch

Our team


Contact us for a free information meeting!

We help you find focus, identify your talents, and transform them into your definition of excellence.